why beyond survival coaching?

Welcome to my new website! I’ve been wanting to create an avenue of dialogue and coaching for some time now.   I couldn’t think of a better day to launch Beyond Survival Coaching, then our families ‘Gotcha’ Day of Isaiah and Laila.  My life has been drastically changed since my first trip to Swaziland, Africa back in August of 2006.  Since then I have been to Africa eleven times, adopted to two children from Swaziland, launched a non profit and now launching this resource for leaders.  


Most of us who are leaders aren’t feeling like our life is multiplying much of anything.  If there is one empathetic concern I have, it is that I see more and more leaders who are merely just surviving.  I know you can relate to that type reality. :-)  You know what being in survival looks like: exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, sleep deprived, depleted, and full of anxiety.  You are so tired you don’t have the energy to even change.  It feels impossible and unrealistic.  This state of mind and lifestyle is a vicious cycle that often leaves a leader with the belief that their best days are behind them.  I know, I’ve been there. 


I’ve seen how the surviving state of mind affects leaders all over the world.  From Swaziland, Africa to Colorado Springs, Colorado, it’s affects are the same all across our planet.  It’s deeply human. We are designed to survive in moments.  We are not designed to live in a survival state 24/7.


The purpose of this coaching site is best explained by the parable Jesus taught of the Sower in Mark 4. 


In the parable of the sower, the sower was throwing seed to plant.  As he was planting,  there was some seed that felt on a hard path where it just laid there in the sun.  The scripture states that the birds of the air came and ate freely  Still there was some seed that fell on rocky soil where it sprung up quickly, but died because there was no solid root or nutrients.  Some seed fell on thorny soil where it grew up, but was choked out by weeds and couldn’t last very long. 


However, there was some seed that fell on the fertile soil where it was able to grow and thrive.  The seed that was planted in the fertile soil could produced thirty, sixty, and hundred times what was planted.   That’s the type of ’soil’ I want to spend the rest of my life planting in.  It’s the soil that represents a leader’s heart to me.  I see the heart and soul of a leader as being that fertile soil which has so much passion, giftedness, vision,  purpose.  What you plant in that heart can be multiplied over and over.   I have a passion to help leaders multiply their life in others. 


My dream is to help leaders live out their calling and thrive.  I believe that your best days are before you…not behind you.  We all need a little coaching, encouragement, wisdom, and help from time to time.  We can’t accomplish our goals in isolation or always on our own.  We need each other.  It’s time to thrive.  Let’s do it together.  Remember, you are not alone.   Click here to set up a Discovery Coaching call.     
